Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cook - Cook Steak In Oven - How to Cook A London Broil

A London broil is a great way to cook steak. Note that I said a

To add to the confusion some butchers call a piece of meat

Flank steak is hard so you should tender by pounding with a mallet or marinating or both for cooking them. In a good London broil you ... Fry s. Logical right But not so fast ... You can also grill and still call it a London broil.

Here are two recipes one for roasted London broil and other grilled London broil.

London Broil Grilled

emIngredients / em

clove garlic finely chopped

tbsp oil

emDirections / em

. Combine salad dressing wine or vinegar garlic and oil in a bowl make a marinade.

. Create multiple emshallow / em cut on both sides of steak. Place food in a baking dish.

. Brush the steak with the marinade making sure to coat both sides. Cover the pan with plastic wrap. Place in refrigerator and let marinate for hour.

. Remove from the refrigerator. Pour off excess marinade.

. Preheat the oven broiler. Place steaks in pan about inches from the top heat. Cook - minutes per side for medium doneness .

. Cut steak into slices and serve.

London Broil grill

emIngredients / em

/ cup shortening

tablespoons lemon juice

tablespoons red wine or red wine vinegar

tbsp soy sauce or Worcestershire

clove garlic finely chopped

teaspoon salt

tablespoon coarsely ground black pepper

tablespoon parsley flakes

flank steak to

emDirections / em

. Mix all ingredients except the patient s flesh into a bowl to make your marinade.

. Create multiple emshallow / em cut on both sides of the steak and place in a baking dish. Try for a cross-hatching effect with multiple overlapping diagonal slices.

. Brush steak with the marinade making sure to coat both sides. Cover the pan with plastic wrap place in refrigerator and let marinate for at least hour.

. Grill steak on hot coals or other high heat for - minutes per side depending on the degree of doneness desired. Baste with leftover marinade if you wish.

. Remove steak from grill cut into thin strips and serve.

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